Team Trail Series

Select your Tournaments

Fish as many or as few events as you'd like. You still need to pay the club fee, even if you only fish 1 event. This helps to minimize cherry-picking. You can sign up for the Championship event immediately if you know you'll be fishing at least 2 TTS events.

Complete Checkout process

Pay for tournament entries and the club fee via PayPal or as a guest using any major credit or debit card.

Add Club Fee to Cart

Make sure to add the Mandatory Annual Club Fee to your cart. This contributes to the Championship tournament payout, shows your commitment to the NWTT, and reduces cherry-picking of fisheries. Pay once and you're good for the season!

Registration & Liability Waiver

Enter your team's information accurately so we can contact one or both of you in case of emergency, weather updates, etc. PayPal should redirect you to the registration and waiver page after payment. Make sure you and your tournament partner each complete the annual liability waiver. You aren't allowed to fish with us without doing so.

Fish and have fun!

After you've completed the steps above, you're ready to fish! We do our best to run the most professional tournaments possible. We know you'll have a blast!

Qualify for The Championship

If you have fished at least 2 of our Team Trail Series (TTS) events OR you placed 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in a singular event, you qualify to fish the Championship event! The Championship has a $60 entry like the other tournaments.

Honey Hole Series

A new ERa of competitive fishing

The digital age allows us to operate and fish tournaments "remotely" and easily with intuitive iPhone/Android apps like TourneyX (free). How cool!


Fish any Minnesota waters. As many (or few) as you want.

Extended Fishing Time

10 hour tournaments. Fish all day, take a lunch-break, or drive to your next Honey Hole. The choice is yours.

UP to 2 Anglers

Fish better alone? Prefer a partner? YOU decide.


$60 Entries make the Honey Hole Series a low-pressure, fun tournament format for anglers of all ages. Sign up is super quick and easy!